Changes and updates to the Helpmonks API

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We just pushed a new release to our Helpmonks servers which contains the following updates to the API:

  1. The return data format has changed 
    The updated API now has the following returned format:
    success : true/false,
    error : contains error (only visible if success is false)
    results : contains the result
    You can find more details about it in our Developer documentation.
  2. New method: updateAssignee()
    The new updateAssignee() method allows you to quickly update the assignee of a conversation with the API. The new method is documented at
  3. Fix on creating a new conversation
    We found an issue when creating a new conversation that did not properly add the user of the conversation. In addition the documentation for creating a new conversation, shows more examples and explains the format to add a new user automatically.

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