Join over 3,000 customers worldwide that use Helpmonks as their preferred collaboration tool for remote teams.

Voted as best collaboration tool.
Helpmonks helps to keep everyone on the same page. Still, every team member sees in one glance all assigned emails and tasks.
As an all-in-one collaboration platform, Helpmonks keeps all your communication in one place. No more app switching and paying (a lot) for all those other apps.
An efficient email collaboration tool.
Invite your team members to collaborate with you in a conversation with a simple "@".
Share drafts and exchange internal notes to get their feedback before hitting send.

A collaborative email inbox.
Get productive and stay productive with the integrated email task manager.
Create tasks for yourself or assign them to others. Stay updated in real-time.
Client collaboration software.
Assign emails to team members and know who will reply. Ensure your customer's inquiries are not ignored.
Everyone knows who intends to reply. Everyone can watch and collaborate on any email in your shared inbox. At a glance, see how many emails are assigned to you and the rest of the team.

Collision detection to the rescue.
Our collision detection engine with timely collision alerts will ensure that your customer only receives the correct answer from your service team. The collision detection comes by default with every group email account.
Put responses on auto-pilot.
Empower your team to answer with confidence. Store canned responses for reuse to save time when replying.
Answer consistently and correctly using saved replies, aka email templates, accessible while composing emails. Also, take advantage of dynamic variables to automate email responses.

Email analytics.
Know at any time how responsive your team is to customer enquiries. Our real-time reports provide an unparalleded insight into your team collaboration and help you to a better customer service experience.