Razuna 1.8 RC1 (Release Candidate) is ready

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It gives me great pleasure to announce that Razuna 1.8 RC1 is now available to the general public. This is the first release candidate, meaning we deem this release to be stable and if no bugs are being reported we will turn this into the master release.

You can help us test Razuna 1.8 by downloading it from https://razuna.com.

Razuna 1.8 contains over 60 new features and 0ver 100 fixes and enhancements to existing features. There are too many new existing features to list. Nevertheless, here are some of the top ones;

New search The search has been completely re-written from scratch and runs now on its own server. This means that we can deliver the search results up to 300% faster than in Razuna 1.7. Additionally, indexing performs much faster, too. Whereas previously indexing would take up to 6 seconds for a new file, the new search indexing will to the same task in under a second.

Show custom fields in relation to labels With this, you can show custom fields in relation to labels. This opens up quite a lot of possibilities for showing and handling metadata. Speaking of custom fields, you now have multiple selection fields and they are now also available in collections. Additionally, you can now see in which collection the file belongs to right within the file detail window.

Miscellaneous As mentioned, over 160 issues have been addresses in this release. The API itself has seen a lot of improvement (paging, new methods, etc.), we’ve made tweaks to make uploading faster, fixed issues with foreign characters, added new options to the export of metadata, option to remove files after an import and many more options.

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