Email Sequences, aka. Email Drip Campaign FAQ

What is a drip campaign?

A drip campaign is a series of time-based automated emails sent over a specified time to an email subscriber based on specific actions or account changes. You would use a drip campaign to nurture a relationship by sending separate emails at the right time in the customer’s decision-making journey.

What are the different types of drip campaigns?

There are no restrictions to the types of email sequences you can create. However, here are some examples that work best:

The onboarding, aka welcome, email sequence

When someone signs up for updates from your blog or an account for your app, a series of automated welcome messages can be sent to the visitor's declared email inbox. It has been shown that this kind of email sequence is responsible for 320% more revenue per email than periodic promotional messages.

While it's best to refrain from spamming new subscribers, a frequency of four to five emails within two weeks is acceptable. It helps them with your product and the value you offer.

The cart abandoned email sequences.

Cart abandonment is a substantial financial loss for e-commerce businesses worldwide. However, not all hope is lost. A study shows that an optimized and well-timed sequence of abandoned cart emails will be opened by 46.1% of people. 13.3% will click your CTA within the email, and over 35% will go on to complete their purchase.

Many businesses use email drip campaigns regularly to keep their existing customers engaged, arresting attrition and fostering brand loyalty.

Furthermore, doing so encourages upselling and ensures that customers spend their maximum with the businesses.

The "Reengagement Email" drip campaign.

Keeping existing customers is five times more cost-effective than acquiring new ones.

A sequence of emails offering incentives to your customers and why they should stay connected with your brand ensures customer retention and loyalty.

How do I make a drip campaign?

You’ll need three main things before you start a drip campaign: email marketing software, subscribers, and a goal. If you’re starting out building a drip campaign, here are a few ideas:

  • A welcome campaign to offer subscribers more information on your product, service, company, or organization.
  • A lead nurture campaign to periodically offer incentives for prospective customers to convert.
  • A follow-up campaign to request feedback and reviews after a purchase.
  • A campaign to wish customers a happy birthday and offer them a discount promo code.

Here’s how to set one up:

  1. Create a list of subscribers.
  2. Create the email messages you would like to send in the campaign.
  3. Select a trigger to start your campaign. With Helpmonks, you can trigger a campaign when you add someone or add or remove a label.
  4. Set up actions. Choose the message order and add periods in between so that not all messages go out simultaneously. (Depending on the campaign goal, you might want a day, a couple of days, a month, or even longer.)
  5. Save and start the campaign.
  6. Watch your metrics to see if you can optimize them for better engagement over time.

How does an email drip campaign work?

Email drip campaigns are made up of a trigger (the initial event that happens), actions (the email messages you send), and delay times.

First, an event happens that triggers the campaign. A possible trigger could be when someone signs up for a newsletter or gets added to a list. Or it could be someone purchasing your business.

Then, as long as you have set it up, your email marketing software will take action — waiting the predetermined amount of time and then sending each email message.

How many emails should be in a drip campaign?

An email drip campaign can have as many emails as you like, and you can set up just one thank-you email to go out after someone attends an event. Alternatively, you can set up a drip campaign with hundreds of emails that go out for years.

What is another word for drip campaign?

Drip campaigns can also be known as email marketing campaigns, marketing automation, sequences, or journeys. Depending on the platform you use to set up a drip campaign, it may have different names.

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Last updated on Feb. 24th, 2023
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