Labels for Customers

The Customer Label is different from Email Label or Email Folder. With the Customer Label feature, you can group contacts into a common tag to easily manage and search them, or organize them the way you want. Tagging your customer records will also allow you to segment them for Email Automation as this triggers by targeting customers by labels.

How to create a Customer Label
To create the Customer Label, go to the Customers and Companies section within the Helpmonks Dashboard and click the Labels button in the top right corner.

Then, name your label, define the color, and you can also nest them (a tree-like function).

Once you have your Customer Labels, you may now select the customer records and apply them. Just as with the labels for emails, you can create as many labels as you like. Additionally, you can use the Customer Import option from a CVS file to include your existing customer labels too. 


Last updated on May. 24th, 2023