Mailbox Settings (Helpmonks Version 2)

Each mailbox has its own settings, permissions, saved replies, and workflows. You can also find here a setting to create a global signature (which will be appended to each outgoing email), and you can set your mailbox auto-reply too.

General Mailbox Settings
In General Settings, you can change the mailbox name, its mail settings, set the mailbox timezone, enable tracking, and much more.

Enabling the Label-Explorer
The Label-Explorer allows you to browse your emails by labels. Since the Label-Explorer is disabled by default you can activate it in the General Settings > Look and Feel tab. Once enabled you will see a label tree underneath the default status folders.

In the Mailbox User's section, you will find a list of users. Users who should be able to access this mailbox should be selected. Every selected user will receive emails from the mailbox and will be able to reply to conversations. Please see the General Configuration within the Administration to set permissions levels for users.
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Last updated on Sep. 27th, 2022
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