How to Reset Out of Sync Email Counts on Category Box(es)

In a shared mailbox, looking at the counts of emails in each category would determine what the workday would be. And we know that some of you contact us when the counts on the category box(es) don’t seem to match what’s in it.

We store the counts separately for efficiency and speed. While we do our best to make them as real-time as possible, they might get out of sync after a certain update. So, if you feel like the counts got out of sync, or when they feel like the page response was sluggish you have the option to reset it.

Users with admin rights have the access to clear the cache for all users of the mailbox. But a user can also do this on their own profile by going to My Profile > Maintenance. Alternatively, you can simply use the links below to do a reset. - For customers using the current Helpmonks interface - For the New Helpmonks design
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Last updated on Sep. 2nd, 2022
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