Forward emails from Namecheap to Helpmonks

Here’s another addition to our how-to articles about forwarding emails to Helpmonks, this time, with Namecheap.

Before you configure forwarding, please note your Helpmonks unique email address.

Grab the mailbox email address by going to the Mailbox SettingsGeneral > Forward & SMTP.

Grab the mailbox email address by going to the Mailbox Settings > General Settings.

Here’s how:

  • Go to and sign in to your Namecheap account.
  • Once logged in, on the left sidebar select Domain List and click the Manage button next to your domain.

  • On the next page, select the Advance DNS tab and find the Mail Settings section.
  • Then in the Mail Settings section, select Email Forwarding from the drop-down menu. An MX record will be set automatically once you click Save all changes

Important: Make sure that you have an SPF record, it is needed for free email forwarding to function. Once the MX record is set, you can create your forwarding email address.

  • Next, select the Domain tab at the top of the page. Find Redirect Email and click the Add Forward button.

  • Enter the Alias and Forwarding Email Address on the required fields, then click on the checkmark icon to save.

    Note: Alias is the name of your forwarding mailbox. i.e: if your mailbox email is, you need to put “support” in the alias field

  • Please allow some time for the mailbox to be completely set up on the forwarding mail server. Send a test email to check, once the email arrives, your team is now all set to handle emails in Helpmonks.

    Note: When testing, please send using a different email address. Sending a test message from the same email address might fail.

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Last updated on Sep. 27th, 2022
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