Email Signature

Helpmonks lets you have full control over how your signatures look. You can add images, links, social media icons, etc. There are two signatures in Helpmonks. These are the Mailbox Signature and the User Signature

A Mailbox Signature will be the DEFAULT one if users on the account did not configure their own. All emails from the mailbox will have the same signature regardless of the user that is replying. You may also use variables to auto populate the signature with individual user's information. 

A User Signature is an individual signature that a user can customize per mailbox. Users can include images, job titles, contact information, and so on.

And speaking of adding images to your signatures, all types of images can be added and there is no set rule on how big or small they should be. However, we recommend keeping it at 300 x 600 pixels as it is considered to be a good size because having to download a huge image file every time customers view your email may slow down loading your message on their email client.

How to create a Signature

For customers using the existing Helpmonks version, you can create a Mailbox Signature by clicking the Mailbox Setting, then, choose Auto reply & Signature.

For customers using the new Helpmonks version, you can create a Mailbox Signature within the Mail Section, click the Mailbox Setting, then under the General Settings go to the Auto-reply & Signature tab.

On the other hand, creating a personal signature can be done by going to your My Profile > Email Settings or Signature tab (for version 3)

Note: When viewing emails, you might not see the signatures, but please note that emails to customers always have it. We remove the signatures (if we find them) so that gives you a cleaner interface of only the messages in Helpmonks.

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Last updated on Oct. 6th, 2022
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