Account cancellation

We're so sorry to see you leave, but we understand. We would like to learn more about what led you to cancel your subscription, so we would appreciate your feedback as it helps us improve our services. You may email us at if there is anything we can do to help.

WARNINGCancelling your Helpmonks account permanently delete all content and all data, and this action is irrevocable.

Only the users with admin rights can cancel the Helpmonks account, and if you're sure you want to proceed, please see steps below.

  • Click your username in the top right corner, and select My Helpmonks Account (Version 2), or Account Settings (Version 3).

  • Then, within the account details, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Advanced Settings to confirm the account deletion

We hope you'd consider us again in the future! 
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Last updated on Sep. 24th, 2022
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