Email Editor

Our new Editor will make replying to customer conversations more efficient. With the variety of actions we’ve added, surely your team will elevate the end-to-end customer experience. 

Reminder of a conversation
You can set a reminder in a new email or in a reply. This way, users can bring emails back to their attention when they don’t get a reply, or if they simply want to keep track of important emails.

When you check the box, it will remind you within 48 hours. However, you can customize the duration when you click on the little calendar icon.

Add to a follow-up sequence
As you might know, we have the Email Sequence/Drip Campaigns feature available. With the Editor update, we’ve now incorporated this option. From here, users can quickly add the message to a follow-up sequence creating a much-needed boost by automating follow-up emails.

Schedule Send or Send Later
This option allows users to send emails with the ability to have them sent at any future date. This would give users a feel of some “sense of relief” knowing that they can still make changes to an email, i.e. when users forgot to add an attachment, didn’t include a CC address, and better timing for a customer to read your message.

Send Individual Message
This feature allows users to send an email to multiple recipients at once while each recipient gets an individual message. When you compose a message, simply add all the recipient's email addresses in the "TO" field, and enable the "send individual message " option. 

Send to Team Members or Company
This feature allows a user to send an email to Internal Members (active users of your Helpmoks account), or to a Company ( the company in Helpmonks is automatically created when there are three or more email addresses found under the same domain).

With this feature, you can move fast when emailing a group, thus it would save you from typing each individual email address.

Last updated on Sep. 15th, 2023