Messages are marked as spam

Wondering why valid emails are marked as Spam? Let me explain how the Spam filter works in Helpmonks, so you can make sure you don’t miss any important messages.

When an email is moved to Spam, there are two factors to check, the email address listed on the block list and the message spam score.

How the Spam Filter Works

To check if the email address is on the blocklist, go to the Mailbox Settings / Email filters / Blocked email addresses or domains. Then, check if the email address is listed, we recommend using “find” (Cntrl + F, or command F) when there are too many addresses listed, so you can find it easily.

NOTE: There is also an account-wide blacklist. Any email addresses that are listed here are appended to all mailbox lists when checking. This can be checked by going to Global Settings > Spam Settings

Spam Score:
As Helpmonks works with forwarded emails, we checked the spam scores in the email header that is defined by your mail server’s spam software. You should see the set value in the Spam Settings / Spam score. And base on what you set here, we’ll look for this value and mark the conversation accordingly.

Additional Spam Settings

By default, when marking a conversation as Spam, it will move the message into the Spam folder, but subsequent emails from the address will still get into your Inbox. Hence, if you would wish to add the sender’s email address to the blocklist when an email is moved to the Spam, you can enable the "add senders to spam list when marking email as spam". The setting can be found in the Mailbox Settings / General Settings / Parsing tab.

NOTE:  There is also an account-wide setting for this that is activated for all mailboxes in Helpmonks. This can be found in the Global Settings / Spam Settings / Upon marking emails as Spam.

Conversations in the Spam folder are automatically purged 30 days after the last action on that conversation. We recommend checking this folder too on a regular basis as it is still possible for valid emails to end up in that Spam folder.

Last updated on Oct. 24th, 2022