Searching Your Emails More Efficiently

A quick and effective search for your old email conversations is one of the most significant features of Helpmonks. In just a few seconds, you can find an email dating a couple of months back.

When you need to trace an old email, you just need to use the ‘Search’. Simply enter the search term or you may also use the 'Advanced Search’ to filter labels, assigned users, email status, or narrow the results using the date range in which the email might have been handled. Let me share some tips that would surely help you look for conversations in no time.

Case sensitive?

The search is not case-sensitive.

Search terms

Single term: Travel.

Phrases: Travel Brochure

Please note that it is different when searching with phrases. If you search using TRAVEL BROCHURE, it will search for terms matching TRAVEL and terms matching BROCHURE.

As a sample, it will find conversations with:
I need a TRAVEL BROCHURE ” which is an exact match. But, it will also find conversations like “Hi I need a TRAVEL pass” or “ Where is the product BROCHURE

So to force it to search together as a phrase, using double quotes (“) is required, i.e “TRAVEL BROCHURE”, and it would only look for that exact phrase. Additionally, we recommend using double quotes when searching for an ID or order numbers since IDs are exact matches.

Wildcard Search

You may also search using a wildcard character. An asterisk (*) can be used to look for more characters after a search term. While a question mark (?) can be used as a replacement for any character.

Note: Searching with * or ? is slower than without a wildcard search.


Our search syntax allows you to also add words together by using AND / OR. (Note: Boolean operators must be ALL CAPS).

AND is for searching for multiple words. The AND operator matches documents where both terms exist anywhere in the subject or email body.

OR is for searching for emails containing either word.

We hope this helps!

Last updated on Sep. 23rd, 2022